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Articulate Storyline is one of the most widely used authoring tools in e-learning. If you choose Storyline as the tool for setting up your course, you get almost unlimited possibilities for to create unique, customised learning experiences.

Storyline is slide-based and has a horizontal flow, meaning that the user navigates the course by “flipping” from page to page or by interacting with elements on the screen.

With Storyline you can get:

  • Full control over course design
  • Customised navigation and interaction elements
  • Tailored exercises with more complex functionality
  • Different user journeys e.g. led into different branches
  • Sound effects and voiceovers for exercises and other interaction

Tailored content

There are a number of tangible benefits of using Articulate Storyline for e-learning compared to simpler programs such as Articulate Rise.

With Storyline, you can create a very high level of interaction for users by combining video or images with various types of interactive layers.

This way, you can create learning sequences where users are involved in a storytelling that they have to interact with (e.g. dilemma exercises, clickable overviews, 360-degree virtual tours, and various graphical elements timed to speak).

Depending on how you combine functionality and custom-designed graphics, you get a tailored learning universe that provides a seamless user experience and can help take learning outcomes to the next level.

Specialized tools

While there is almost no limit to what you can do in Storyline, creating custom content with a high level of interaction inevitably requires more development time and experience.

Grape’s developers are highly knowledgeable about the tool and have extensive experience building specialized content in the program.
Vestas Code of Conduct
modules are a great example of tailored e-learning developed in Storyline with dilemma-based training and a strong visual identity that is fully customized to Vestas’ needs.


Storyline also works on mobile and tablet, but if the coursethe course is to be used primarily on mobile, Rise often be a better solutiong.

When is Storyline the right choice?

If you need more complexity in building the learning content, than what Articulate Rise, for example, offers, Storyline is often a good solution.

It is also possible to include some custom-built Storyline elements in a Rise course, which can be a more optimal solution in some cases. This depends on the challenge to be solved.

At Grape we are always ready to help our customers assess, which setup and tools are best for the specific task.