
Same culture around the world

Vestas employees may be faced with difficult situations or feel pressured, but what matters most is how they react in those situations. Vestas is a global organization, and they must ensure that their Code of Conduct is always followed, whether it’s at Vestas in China, Germany or South America.


Vestas Wind Systems A/S is a Danish manufacturer of wind turbines for the production of electrical energy. The company is considered a world leader in its field. By 2010, Vestas had installed more than 41,000 wind turbines in 65 countries across 5 continents.


Global training

Customers since



E-learning in 6 languages

Zero tolerance

We developed 3 micro modules which, through animations, cases and interactive exercises, clarified what is expected of employees and how they should handle specific situations. Subsequently, we translated the modules into German, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.


There is no room for misunderstanding when it comes to the Code of Conduct. Therefore, we focused on ensuring that the modules used graphics and situations that could be easily reused and understood across all countries.

“As Vestas employees, each of us plays an important role in maintaining the trust that our colleagues, suppliers, customers, and local communities have in us to conduct business with integrity.

Karinna Bardenfleth
Compliance Professional, Vestas

Customised e-learning?

Do you need tailormade e-learning? Communicating to many or to selected groups can be made simple, clear and flexible with e-learning.

We’re passionate about doing away with boring e-learning! Our skilled team of learning designers, experienced consultants and sharp project managers focus on usability and innovative methods, so together we can strengthen your employees’ knowledge and skills.

Want us to help you too?

Let us know, how we can help you?


CCO, Partner
